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The Best Herbs for Male Infertility


herbs for male infertility

The Best Herbs for Male Infertility

Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 percent of couples are clinically barren, 40% of which is due to males with spermatogenic (development of mature sperm) deficiencies.

Male infertility can also be caused by a variety of injuries and abnormalities of the sperm producing organs, the testes. This includes damage caused by the mumps or other viruses, sexually transmitted diseases, radiation damage, exposure to environmental toxins, too much heat on the testicles (from saunas, hot tubs, lap tops, etc.), medications, alcohol, smoking, and cancer treatments. Additionally, systemic illnesses, obesity, acute fevers, and deficiencies in Vitamin C, selenium, zinc, and folate can greatly contribute to male infertility.

Along with the most common factors for infertility which you can read more about here and here, a man’s infertility can also be caused by a number of other factors.

The most obvious contributors to male spermatogenic deficiency include:

• Low sperm count
• Mature sperm deficiency either caused by hypogonadism (deficient activity of the testes) or hypopituitarism (decreased pituitary activity)
• Low sperm motility (the number of sperm able to move spontaneously)
• Short sperm motility (the ability for sperm to make it to the egg)
• Low percentage of normally developed sperm
• Obstruction in the spermatic ducts (this is rare)
• Hypothyroidism
• Adrenal burnout

The Best Herbs for Male Infertility

There are a multitude of herbs available that greatly help rebuild a strong nutritional base and can potentially eliminate male infertility. System tonics that increase and nourish vitality and help reverse low adrenal energy are is the best place to begin your healing journey.


This tonic herb has been used for centuries in the Peruvian highlands for its fertility enhancing abilities and adaptogenic effects. When taken consistently over time, maca is known to increase seminal volume, sperm count, sperm quality, and sperm motility. This herb is also an amazing sexual tonic for women by increasing fertility.

I recommend these maca supplements:

1. Gaia Herbs Maca Root Capsules
HealthWorks-Wild Organic Peruvian Maca Root Powder
Gaia Herbs Maca Boost Supplement, Cacao Ginger This is one of my favorites because it also contains herbs that help reduce stress. Really delicious in shakes!


This herb looks like a goat’s head and packs a wallop not only on the bottom of your foot when stepped on but also for when you’re in need of stimulating healthy sperm production. Tribulus also increases the motility and quality of sperm and most notably the survival of sperm cells.

I recommend these tribulus supplements:

Himalaya Herbal Health Care Tribulus
Solaray – Tribulus Extract

Horny Goat Weed

Traditionally used as a potent herb for impotence, horny goat weed is also used for increasing testosterone levels and stimulating sensory nerves. It also increases the production of healthy sperm.

I recommend these horny goat weed supplements:

1. Nature’s Way Horny Goat Weed
Source Naturals Horny Goat Weed

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is an herb highly regarded for its applications for impotence, physical and mental debility concerning sexual performance, and as a tonic that nourishes the entire male reproductive system. It also treats testicular atrophy.

I recommend these saw palmetto supplements:

1. Doctor’s Best Best Saw Palmetto Extract
Jarrow Formulas Saw Palmetto


Ginseng is a remarkable sexual rejuvenator and adaptogenic tonic. The ginsenosides it contains positively effects the gonadal tissues as well as the central nervous system. It improves stamina and metabolism which play important roles in a male’s sexual health and fertility.

I recommend these ginseng supplements:

1. Imperial Elixir, Korean Red Ginseng
Nature’s Way Ginseng, Korean

Note- If you run hot then ginseng may not be the right herb for your constitution. In this case, try Siberian Ginseng instead.

Ho Shou Wu

This herb helps a man retain is “essence” from being involuntarily released. Ho Shou Wu is also renowned as a rejuvenating tonic that can be taken for long periods of time. For this reason, it is an amazing way to retain youthfulness, build the blood and sperm, and alleviate impotence.

I recommend these Ho Shou Wu supplements:

1. Herb Pharm He (Ho) Shou Wu Extract
Jing Herbs He Shou Wu Extract Powder


Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic and energy enhancing herb that strengthens stamina and increases energy. It improves sexual performance and fertility and it one of the best tonics for reversing adrenal burnout.

I recommend these ashwagandha supplements:

1. Planetary Herbals Full Spectrum Ashwagandha
Gaia Herbs Ashwagandha Root Liquid Phyto-Capsules

Schisandra Berry

This highly regarded herb is one of the best tonice for enhancing sperm production. It also increases RNA, enzymes, and glycogen which are essential for kidney and gonad gland health. For women, this herb is often taken for 100 days to help increase sexual desire and fertility.

I recommend these schisandra supplements:

1. Planetary Herbals Schisandra Tablets
Nature’s Way Schizandra Fruit

Astragalus Root

Not only is astragulus great for immunity it is also considered an exceptional herb for increasing the quantity and motility of sperm.

Note- Do not take astragalus if you are currently sick as it will aid the virus you are trying to get rid of.


Shilajit is a sticky resin that exudes from rocks in the Himalayan mountains. It’s considered one of the most potent rejuvenators known as it contains over 85 ionic minerals, vitamins, and fulvic acid which improves the overall function of the genitourinary system. Shilajit helps prevent anemia and flagging sexual energy. It’s an amazing addition for reversing male infertility.

I recommend these shilajit supplements:

1. Sunfood – Shilajit Extract Powder

You can also get all of these herbs organic and in bulk below:

where to buy herbs

For Exhaustive Stress

Infertility can cause and be caused by debilitating exhaustive stress. In cases where it is hard to feel awake and energized in the morning and no amount of caffeine can get you through the day it is adapogens that will help most. These herbs allow you to react to stress and anxiety in the best way possible while nourishing the adrenals and repairing frayed nerves. This new resistance to stress will help alleviate decreased libido and help build strong healthy sperm. Taking time to relax and relieve stress is an integral part when reversing male infertility. 

These are the best stress reducing herbs I recommend:

Holy Basil (aka Tulsi)– taken as a tea, tincture, or capsule
Milky Oats- taken as a nourishing herbal infusion, tincture, or capsule
Rhodiola- taken as a capsule or ticture

Other Beneficial Tips for Male Fertility


For men with low testosterone, taking 25 milligrams of zinc three times a day for two weeks has been shown to restore proper testosterone levels as well as increase fertility and potency. Zinc supplementation may also increase sperm counts in men with low semen zinc levels. I like this one.

Note- if you use this protocol for more than two weeks, you must take a mineral supplement that provides copper as well.


Taking 3,000 mg of L-carnitine daily has been shown to improve sperm motility and normalize its quality. I like this one.

High Quality Multi-Vitamin

Getting all of the essential nutrients your body needs on a daily basis is essential for for healthy sperm and sexual organs.

Vitamins B12, Vitamin E, and Selenium in particular have all been shown to help increase sperm counts and improve sperm motility. I highly recommend this brand for high quality vitamins, minerals, and male specific herbs. They also have a formula for men over 40 here.

Herbs to Avoid

Men who have fertility issues should avoid jambul, neem, and vitex berry. In non-human studies the herbs Echinacea, ginkgo, and St. John’s wort indicated that these herbs contain chemicals that reduce the sperm’s ability to penetrate the egg. It is not clear whether or not this occurs in human males.

Recommended Reading

Here are a few fantastic resources to consider:

The Male Herbal by James Green
Prescription for Herbal Healing by Phyllis A. Balch
Improving Male Sexuality, Fertility and Testosterone by Purser MD

male infertility herbs


The post The Best Herbs for Male Infertility appeared first on Holistic Health Herbalist.

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