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Natural Sunburn Relief


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How to Take the Sting Out of Sunburn

On Saturday my boyfriend and I went to the beach in hopes of catching some much needed Vitamin D. Seeing as how we’re both Scandinavian, we’re more than a bit on the fair skinned side of the spectrum and we certainly caught more Vitamin D than we bargained for, despite using SPF 50…sad day! I blame it on the fact that we forgot our nice natural sunscreen at home leaving us no choice but to buy an icky chemical one in desperation to prevent getting sunburned any worse. Despite all that, we still had a nice relaxing day laying out on the sand amusing ourselves by the fact that we must have been blinding everyone else on the beach.

It’s easy to underestimate the power of the sun when we’re having fun outdoors. Having pre-made sunburn remedies on hand to take the sting out, reduce redness and inflammation, and prevent peeling are definitely useful, especially since sunburns only take a few short hours to get uncomfortable depending on severity.


 1st degree sunburn resulting in redness and pain
 2nd degree where there is redness, pain and blistering
 3rd degree where all the layers of the skin have been sunburnt

sunburn levels
Trying these simple homemade recipes will help lessen discomfort and the time it takes to heal. The botanical ingredients are known for their ability to pull heat, offer relief, and assist regeneration.

Before Using These Remedies—

• Make sure to “pull out” as much heat from the sunburn as you can FIRST. You can do this by taking a cool shower or bath (try adding vinegar) or apply a cool compress. Do not use ice for this.
• Stay hydrated.
• Do not apply any moisturizers or oils. These can lock in heat.
• Do not use these remedies if you have severe sunburn/blistering

Healing Herbal Sunburn Spray

Making a strong herbal tea using healing and regenerative herbs will heal sunburn quickly and efficiently. I like using Calendula by itself as a strong tea or combining it with other herbs that have an affinity for healing the skin.

Healing Herbal Sunburn Spray

What You’ll Need

• 1 TB calendula flowers
• 1 TB Horsetail (shavegrass)
• 1 TB comfrey leaf (gets slimy when steeped, this is normal!)


• Pour boiling water over the herbs and steep until cooled.
• Strain and bottle in a spray bottle
• Spray onto sunburn liberally as often as needed

Calendula is a wonderful herb to use for inflammation and stimulating new cell growth, it soothes and calms sunburn within a few applications while preventing infection.

Horsetail is rich in silicon, an essential nutrient needed for youthful, smooth, supple skin. Sunburn tends to dry up and dehydrate skin making it appear dull. The high silicon content in horsetail will prevent “aged” skin while assisting the healing process.

Comfrey leaf promotes cell regeneration and reduces sunburn inflammation. It’s one of the best herbs I’ve used for hot, irritated burns.


St. John’s Wort Oil

St. John’s Wort is such a sunny herb in itself. I recommend keeping it as a close ally for those of us who sunburn easily. The oil that is extracted from its medicinal flowers alleviates the pain caused by sunburn and heals it fast.

Homemade St Johns Wort Oil

What You’ll Need

• 1 Mason jar of any size
• Fresh St Johns Wort flowers


• Fill a mason jar with fresh flowers (dried may not give the same results) and cover with the oil of your choice like EV olive oil, sesame, coconut…etc
• Seal the jar tightly and store outside in the sun or on a sunny windowsill for at least 2 weeks. The oil will turn a vibrant ruby red color.
• Strain and store in a clean dark glass bottle.
• Apply often on sunburned skin AFTER heat has been lifted.

Rose Petal Vinegar

Can I just say that rose vinegar is AMAZING? The rose, as delicate as it may seem, is as tough as its thorns when it comes healing. And boy does it heal!

Rose Vinegar

What You’ll Need

• 1 mason jar of any size
Raw apple cider vinegar


• Fill the jar all the way up with fresh *fragrant* rose petals. If you’re using dried petals, fill the jar halfway.
• Fill the jar up to the top with raw apple cider vinegar (be sure to use a non-reactive lid)
• Let sit 6 weeks
• Strain and bottle

Your rose vinegar will turn a lovely shade of pink and can be used for all manner of burns, cuts, scrapes, sprains, and bug bites .

Rose Vinegar Sunburn Spray

What You’ll Need

• A spray bottle
• Rose vinegar
• Spring water or strong white/green tea


• 1 TB rose vinegar
• 7 TB spring water or tea
• Shake and apply as often as needed.

Rose vinegar will lift heat and redness from sunburn in no time flat! It reduces pain quickly too, and can almost completely remove a mid-range sunburn within 6-8 hours of repeated application, if caught in the first 24 hours. Rose vinegar can even greatly lessen the pain of blistering skin.

To cover large areas, fill a *glass* bowl with several cups of spring water. Add about a ½-1/3 cup of rose vinegar and stir to incorporate. Dip in a cotton cloth, preferably one that is soft, and apply it to sunburned areas repeatedly until the heat has lifted. It’s important to re-dip the cloth in the vinegar solution as soon as the cloth gets hot. This can take more than 10 applications.

For mid-range burns, apply every 1 ½-2 hours. For severe sunburns, apply every hour or even more often than that if needed. To prevent infection of severe burns, you can apply Manuka Honey or fresh from the leaf aloe vera gel between treatments. You can also use this high quality aloe gel.

Can’t Wait 6 Weeks for Rose Vinegar?

You can simmer rose petals in raw apple cider vinegar or even plain white vinegar in a pinch on very low heat until the rose petals lose all of their color. Strain and cool, then apply as described above or add to a cool bath. This version should still help quite a bit.

Cooling Aloe Mist

One of the easiest and most effective remedies for sunburn is of course, aloe vera. This demulcent herb is perfect for any stage of sunburn, but is most useful when applied as soon as you suspect burning. It’s cooling and soothing properties reduce redness and inflammation, especially when used fresh. It can be used alone or with other sunburn soothing ingredients to provide immediate relief and hydration.

Cooling Aloe Mist

What You’ll Need

• 2 oz pure aloe vera gel. I scoop it straight from the leaf, blend it, then strain the pulp. If you purchase it from the store, make sure the gel is as pure as possible.
• 2 oz lavender hydrosol (lavender water). You can steep a strong lavender tea if hydrosol is not available.
• 15 drops lavender essential oil (you can use eucalyptus if none is available)
• 5 drops Helichrysm or Roman Chamomile essential oil
• 5 drops peppermint essential oil
• 5 drops pure Vitamin E oil


• 2 oz aloe vera gel
• 2 oz peppermint tea or hydrosol (you can use lavender, cucumber, or lemon balm too)
• 5 drops peppermint essential oil
• 5 drops lavender essential oil
• 5 drops tea tree essential oil


• Mix all ingredients together in a 4 oz spray bottle
• Apply as often as desired
• Chill for more “heat pulling” properties

Peppermint Mist

Peppermint is wonderful for pulling heat. It’s very cooling and provides quick relief for sunburned skin. Combining it with strong green tea will reduce redness and inflammation.

Peppermint Mist

What You’ll Need

• 4 oz strongly brewed peppermint green tea
• 2-5 drops pure peppermint essential oil


• Steep 1 bag of green tea with 1 bag of peppermint tea together until cooled. Keep covered with a plate to trap in the medicinal volatile oils.
• Pour the tea into a 4 oz spray bottle and add the peppermint essential oil.
• Shake well and keep chilled for best results.

Why use Green Tea?

Green tea boasts some powerful anti-oxidant properties that help repair sunburned skin. It can be used before, during, and after sun exposure to help reduce redness, inflammation, and the effects of UV rays.

To Use-

Soak a cloth in cooled, strongly brewed green tea and apply to sunburned skin. Don’t forget to sip on some iced green tea while you’re at it!

Fast and Simple Sunburn Relief

Sometimes we don’t have time to make remedies because we need relief RIGHT NOW. In times like these you can use simple 1-2 ingredient remedies that don’t require brewing and cooling time or any real recipes.

Here are some of the most effective quick fix remedies I’ve used in the past:

Fresh (or as pure as you can find) aloe vera gel applied liberally and often. Try keeping a fresh leaf in the freezer…the gel will be super cooling but not turn to ice!
Lavender essential oil- Mix 5-10 drops into aloe vera gel and apply directly.
Plain full fat yogurt- Apply to sunburned skin to help pull heat.
Raw apple cider vinegar- If you catch sunburn fast enough, you can stop the sting in its tracks. Spray straight onto skin or dilute in a little bit of water. I’ve soaked in a bath with vinegar before will great results.
Slice some cucumbers and apply the slices to sunburned skin.
Peppermint essential oil and aloe vera gel. I use quite a few drops for this and let me just say *siiigggggghhhhhh* such RELIEF using this! The peppermint really takes out the heat and sting.
Apply Homeopathic Calendula Crème or gel once sunburn is “cool”
Arnica Montana 30c homeopathic (works only if you avoid all mints)
Cool oatmeal bath. Put oatmeal in a sock and tie the end. Swish it around the bath to cloud the water with the healing power of oatmeal! Try adding baking soda to the bath too!

What’s you’re tried and true natural remedy for sunburn relief?

For more on summer articles look below:

How to Eat Your Sunscreen
Summer Heat Relief- Cooling Herbs
Cooling Summer Salad
16 Natural Poison Ivy Treatments You Probably Have in Your Pantry
How to Make Herbal Vinegar
Natural Sunburn Remedies

Natural Sunburn Relief with herbs


The post Natural Sunburn Relief appeared first on Holistic Health Herbalist.

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