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How to Naturally Treat Seasonal Allergies


How to Naturally Treat Seasonal Allergies with herbs

I remember growing up without seasonal allergies, or any allergy for that matter. But over the years, I began to develop symptoms… a few sneezes here, a runny nose there, and then a constant, utterly incessant bombardment of misery. My “seasonal allergies” weren’t so seasonal anymore and it got to the point where I could easily sneeze well over 25 times in a row. Sometimes I would even wake myself up sneezing at night.

I was miserable, and not even expensive pharmaceutical drugs seemed to do any good. I was tired of feeling drowsy all day, a lovely side effect of these drugs,and I believed for the longest time that allergies were “genetic” and that there was nothing I could do about them. I seemed to be allergic to everything… even tissues.

After 4 years of having “seasonal allergies” Every. Single. Day. I decided that there HAD to be something better, because clearly my allergies weren’t going anywhere.

I needed an organic, natural approach.

It’s been a little over a year now, and my allergies are almost non-existent! And that’s really saying something.

Organic Seasonal Allergy Relief

What are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are a hypersensitivity to airborne allergens like pollen, dust, and pet dander. These allergens, when inhaled into the nasal cavity, trigger the body to release histamine, a naturally occurring immunity response to foreign pathogens.

Common Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

These will be a bit different for each person, but generally include-

• Red, itchy, watery eyes
• Sinus headaches
• Sinus pressure
• Sneezing
• Runny or clogged nose
• Wheezing in the chest or sinuses
• Migraines

What can you do to Prevent Seasonal Allergies?

Some helpful tips to lessen symptoms are:

• Avoid allergens during their peak. (i.e. avoid pollen in the mornings)
• Keep your house dusted
• Shower before bed
• Close windows
• Keep your pets clean and dander free
• Use an air purifier

While these will certainly help with the issue, they won’t cure your allergies. In order to do that, you must dig deeper in the why of things. Seasonal allergies are often due to immunity imbalances and sluggish detox channels. If you treat the why, your season allergies will soon be a thing of the past!

Relieving Seasonal Allergies- The Herbalist’s Way

Some of the best allergy relief comes from herbal remedies because they provide relief in a myriad of ways. Herbs can simultaneously improve and nourish immunity, balance histamine response, and reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies. And don’t forget eating well and leading a healthy lifestyle.

The Herbs-

• Dandelion (Liver Detox)– Eating your dandelion greens, drinking dandelion tea, or taking it as an herbal bitter with meals will dramatically decrease allergic responses. You can also drink strong Chamomile tea before meals.

• Reishi Mushroom- (immunomodulator)– Deeply nourishing, building, and strengthening the immune system will help your body put up defenses against allergies. Reishi contains medicinal constituents that acts as natural anti-histamines.

• Raspberry Leaf (astringent)– Astringent herbs will tone mucosal tissues to help prevent infection, something that’s really important if you have particularly bad allergies. Raspberry leaf tea can be taken throughout the allergy season.

• Goldenseal and Nettle (Trophorestorative)– Herbs in this class of healing will bring balance to particular systems or organs in the body. Goldenseal and Nettle have an affinity for mucus membranes and are therefore great to use for season allergies.


Other Methods-

• Neti Pot– Use a neti pot to irrigate and flush out the sinus cavity of allergens. You can use it up to twice a day. Be sure to use distilled water only and follow the instructions carefully on solution mixing. This is my favorite neti pot and these are my favorite neti salts.

• Raw Local Honey– Taking a spoonful of honey once day with significantly reduce allergies to local pollens by helping your body build up a resistance to them.

• Raw Apple Cider VinegarRaw ACV helps block your body’s histamine response and reduces inflammation. Be sure to take 1 TB in water with a spoonful of raw local honey before going outside or deep cleaning your house.

• Essential oil diffuser– Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus will keep the air in your home fresh and clean. They will also keep your lungs and sinuses clear and free of inflammation.

• Humidifier– The tiny droplets of water released from your humidifier will bind with allergens, making them too heavy to float in the air.

• Air PurifierAir purifiers will suck up and bind allergens right out of the air and away from your sinuses.

• Switch to Handkerchiefs– Sounds icky, but if you are allergic to tiny tissue fibers, then this is for you!

Supplementing for Better Relief

You can also employ various supplements to further improve your seasonal allergies. Here are some of the best ones to look for:

• Omega Fatty Acids (EPA/DHA)- Try taking at least 1000 mg each of EPA and DHA daily or eat fresh cold water fish 2-3 times per week. I love this brand.
B complex
• High quality probiotics
Vitamin D3 (from the sun if possible)
Vitamin C

It’s not surprising that diet play a huge role in preventing allergies in general, so be sure to eat clean and get plenty of high quality healthy fats in your diet too.

For more on allergies look below:

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps
Herbal Remedies for Runny Nose
Herbal Remedies for Stuffy Nose
Herbal Remedies for Dry Sinus
The Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Inhalers
The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps


How to Treat Seasonal Allergies naturally

The post How to Naturally Treat Seasonal Allergies appeared first on Holistic Health Herbalist.

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